CDN Invalidation


CDN Invalidation is the process by which a caching system (in our case, a Content Delivery Network, or CDN) has content forcefully purged from its cache transparently, so updated content can be stored in the cache and sent back to clients for future requests.

If you make significant changes to the website (e.g., WordPress update, caching rule changes, etc.), you may want to invalidate the current CDN cache. Depending on the pattern you put in, the CDN will invalidate any objects that match that pattern, which means on next browser fetch by a client, they will be re-added to the CDN’s cache (based on the upstream server’s configured cache rules).

Specify the paths you would like to invalidate (up to 5)–by default, we make the first pattern /*, which will invalidate ALL cached content on the site. Click Invalidate to invalidate based on the patterns you specified.


By default, these are the CDN settings for caching:

Field Value Notes
Minimum TTL 1 second -
Maximum TTL 86400 second -
Default TTL 3600 second If an object does not have cache headers, use this value
Cache Headers Disabled
Cache Query Strings Enabled
Cookies Enabled
Compression Enabled Supports both Gzip and Brotli

In addition, these request paths will never be cached by the CDN:

  • /wp-login.php
  • /wp-admin/*
  • /wp-json/*
  • /wp-cron.php
  • /xmlrpc.php
  • /wp-trackback.php
  • /wp-signup.php