

Domains associated with your Clients allow you to manage public DNS records. It also allows:

  • Automatic DNS configuration for sites
  • Automatic CDN configuration for production sites
  • Automatic Email configuration & verification


Browse to the Domains tab, and click on the + Domain button:

Specify the domain name (must be a Fully Qualified Domain Name, FQDN), and click Save.

Do not enable the Primary toggle for domains owned by your clients that you manage.

For this example, we are using Vanity Nameservers since we want the clients domain to point to our nameservers if anyone looks it up. This step is not required, but leads to a more professional look.

Nameserver Records

Nameserver records point your client domain ( at your nameservers which you previously created.

Vanity nameservers are not required–if you do not want to use them, do not select Vanity Nameservers in the previous step, and use the standard nameservers listed to update your client nameservers.

Expected vs Actual

This example shows when you have an error with the settings:

Registrar Settings

As an example, here is how it looks for Google Domain (registrar) settings to enable nameservers for the new domain:

Verified Example

This is what an example looks like once everything is setup correctly and verified:

Due to the way DNS works, when you refresh the status of your nameservers, it may change between verified and unverified. This is normal, as it takes time to propagate the changes across the public internet. If it is still unverified after 24h, please contact us.


After saving your changes and updating the registrar info, expand the new Domain. Creating records is as simple as clicking on the Create button and specifying values for each field:

Assuming we are creating a record that will resolve to the IP Address using an A record, this is what it might look like:

We do not allow specifying or editing DNS records for NS or SOA, as those are self-managed by the platform.

After saving the new record, it should show up in your domain:

Next Step

Next, you can move on to creating a new Site for your client.